Thursday 28 January 2010

Information is Key

At a recent health & fitness industry dinner someone described our industry as a ‘fact free zone’ which made everyone in the room laugh...nervously, as we know that there was more than a grain of truth in what he said.

Of course every time an operator decides to open a new facility he/she does some modelling to determine potential demand, competitor impact, etc. Yes, we are good at collecting and tracking new joiners and leavers data and yes, the TwentyTen Commission – the strategy development exercise currently in place, designed to help us develop a five year (macro) plan for the industry – is reviewing the whole issue of ‘data and consumer insight’ but the truth is, as an industry we are miles behind other sectors, such as retail, in understanding:

- What consumers like about us
- What they don’t like
- Which age, socio-economic group, ethnic minority use us most
- Which uses us least
- The ‘why’ question to both the above
- Which service is ‘consumed’ most/least
- Trends
- What impact have we made on people’s lives (mental, attitudinal and physical improvements against a benchmark)

I could go on, but I won’t.

I know this sounds like a rant, but as business people, we know that market intelligence is key to managing and growing our business and yet, on mass, we do not seem to be very good at it. I think it’s a cultural thing; we never did it so we haven’t got into the habit of doing it. Together we have built a £4bn industry based on limited data and considerable ‘gut feel’, perhaps that wise man who said “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” was right.

Mind you, I am surprised that market intelligence which does exist – the FIA Media Review for example – is not consumed by the 200K people who work in our industry, every day. Viewer figures are good, but nowhere near 200K a day. And yet, what could be more important than to know and be prepared for comments from members when they’ve just read some article based on dodgy research claiming that exercise isn’t good for you or that we are all a bunch of charlatans and thieves.

If you don’t know what they read in their morning papers, how can you prepare a compelling case to rebut it?

How else do you keep abreast of trends and new ideas which will influence and affect the people walking through your door.... and most importantly, walking past your door.

If you currently get the Media review I urge you to read it daily. If not and you are an FIA member get on the phone 020 7420 8560 and get your email address added to the list today!

David Stalker
Executive Director
Fitness Industry Association

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