Wednesday 7 April 2010

In Praise of Gen Y

Having read Tim's last post, I was chatting to a client recently and we were reflecting on how amazing some of our Gen Y colleagues and friends are. We both confessed to feeling a little envious at times. A touch of the "I wish I had been that confident, capable, wordly... at their age."

I reckon these feelings are pretty common. Here is a generation who see fewer barriers in their lives, they tend to have more confidence in themselves and what is possible and they have much broader horizons on the world because of the internet and the fact they connect so easily with people around the world.

I think it is understandable if the older generation occasionally feel a little envious, jealous, resentful even. I often hear comments like "I had to work my way up the ladder, why do they think they shouldn't have to", "they are far too confident - verging on the arrogant", "they just expect things too easy."

I sometimes detect a mixture of resentment and a desire to put Gen Y in their place. Yet on the other hand there is a realisation that their talent and confidence are marvellous assets that present a huge opportunity for employers.

I think the healthy and productive attitude is to accept the negative feelings as understandable, but to move on and look at the assets that all the generations bring to the workplace.

The key is for each generation understood the others more: their intentions, passions and strengths. It's not for Gen Yers to 'stay in their place'; it's for them to challenge the status quo, come up with new ideas, question old assumptions.

It's uncomfortable for us Xers and Boomers but great leadership is about allowing and encouraging that whilst mentoring and guiding when necessary.

Note to self: remember that when next talking to amazing, accomplished and inspirational 23 year-old.

Simon Walker
Co- founder
Talent Smoothie

A co-founder of Talent Smoothie, Simon Walker is one of the UK's leading authorities on Generation Y and how to better understand and lead them. Simon will be giving two presentations at the FIA Conference on July 14th at Cheltenham Racecourse.

To find out more about the conference and to book your place with an Early Bird discount visit the FIA website or email

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